
3rd Commandment- In Depth

“Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”

As we all know, the Sabbath day, is Sundays (Saturdays in other Religions). During this day, we as Catholics are committed to go and visit God. Many people defy this Commandment. It is 1 hour of your day that you’re giving to God a week.  1/168 hours in a week. Why do people find doing this so hard?


Participate in Mass

Mass is just as important as praying. Participating in Mass is the basis of the ideal Catholic. The Mass responses might be hard to know. In case you have trouble remembering the responses or just want to strengthen your bond with God, here are the responses to the Catholic  Mass.


Attend Mass; Be a Catholic

Mass is a Holy Religious Sacrament, and as Catholics, we are inclined towards attending Mass in order to increase our relationship with God. It is Him who guides us to make moral decisions and choose between right and wrong.  It is one of God’s 10 Commandments to keep the Sabbath Holy (aka Sunday). It is important for us to live this law, and answer to it positively by going to Mass.
