
5th Commandment-In Depth

“You shall not kill”

This one is probably most important for God. Why? Because in this Commandment you are not only dealing for your own good, but also other people are in it. Nothing gives you right to kill another person. You are not an ultimate force to decide whether they should die or not. Only God has such power. This is not followed for who are executed. Even though it is for “the common good”, nothing give executors the right to kill anybody. Stay tuned for more on the next Commandment.

6th Commandment-In Depth

“You shall not commit adultery”

Perhaps this Commandment is the most frequent in our modern world. Adultery includes touching yourself in inappropriate ways, raping, and sexual intercourse without marriage. These are extremely common these days. You need to respect your body. You need to watch out for rapists. You need to be respectful to your significant other. Visit frequently for the next Commandment.

4th Commandment-In Depth

“Honor your father and your mother”

This is a tough one. Basically what it is: Be respectful to your parents. This is sometimes too hard, most definitely true with teens. This means you can’t answer back, insult them, tell them they’re wrong (In front of other people at least). However, sometimes parents can be nerve-wrecking and too know-it-all.


3rd Commandment- In Depth

“Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”

As we all know, the Sabbath day, is Sundays (Saturdays in other Religions). During this day, we as Catholics are committed to go and visit God. Many people defy this Commandment. It is 1 hour of your day that you’re giving to God a week.  1/168 hours in a week. Why do people find doing this so hard?


1st Commandment- In Depth

“You shall have no other gods before me”

This is a very powerful Commandment, set as part of a Covenant between God and Moses. This First Commandment focuses on you respecting your God, and being able to distinguish Idols from God. Any defiance towards this Commandment is a mortal sin, that of which is harder for God to forgive. You require true and full repentance for this.


Participate in Mass

Mass is just as important as praying. Participating in Mass is the basis of the ideal Catholic. The Mass responses might be hard to know. In case you have trouble remembering the responses or just want to strengthen your bond with God, here are the responses to the Catholic  Mass.


How To Pray

Part of being a Catholic relies on praying. That is the most vital connection between you and God. It  creates a personal bond which is hard to break. He answers to our prayers through guidance, decisions, and sometimes even people.


God, our Savior, will always forgive you. You mustn’t be afraid, for fear is what separates you from God. If you are courageous, you will openly talk with God. By being honest, God will listen to you and aid you.




Attend Mass; Be a Catholic

Mass is a Holy Religious Sacrament, and as Catholics, we are inclined towards attending Mass in order to increase our relationship with God. It is Him who guides us to make moral decisions and choose between right and wrong.  It is one of God’s 10 Commandments to keep the Sabbath Holy (aka Sunday). It is important for us to live this law, and answer to it positively by going to Mass.
