
1st Commandment- In Depth

“You shall have no other gods before me”

This is a very powerful Commandment, set as part of a Covenant between God and Moses. This First Commandment focuses on you respecting your God, and being able to distinguish Idols from God. Any defiance towards this Commandment is a mortal sin, that of which is harder for God to forgive. You require true and full repentance for this.


How To Pray

Part of being a Catholic relies on praying. That is the most vital connection between you and God. It  creates a personal bond which is hard to break. He answers to our prayers through guidance, decisions, and sometimes even people.


God, our Savior, will always forgive you. You mustn’t be afraid, for fear is what separates you from God. If you are courageous, you will openly talk with God. By being honest, God will listen to you and aid you.


